a series of onsite/online performances
by michelle teran & isabelle jenniches

AFK stands for 'Away from Keyboard'. These and many other abbreviations are commonly used in online chatrooms and on mobile phones to send SMS/ text messages. In the series AFK each performance involves sending a message coded in this way in front of public webcams monitoring urban and non-urban landscapes. The short messages capture moments of mobility and presence.




Pincher Creek
Alberta, Canada




Thursday December 29 2001, 12:00 am and 02:00 pm Local Time (camera has been removed 11/23/03)










click on thumbnails to view fullsize images

review the entire day






California, USA


Monday February 04 2002, 08:00 am Local Time
on (camera has been moved 07/01/03)

assignment for ij:

* Print your message on the biggest red balloon you can find.
* Early in the morning take the balloon down to the ocean.
* Pump air into it with each incoming wave.
* When the balloon is filled, give it to somebody to hold.





click on thumbnails to view fullsize images







California, USA


Tuesday February 05 2002, 02:00 pm Local Time
on (camera has been moved 07/01/03)

assignment for ij:

* Chalk your message on the Embarcadero behind the Good Clean Fun.
* When the first symbol is completed, talk to a passerby.
* When the third symbol is completed, wave to Jim in the Smokehouse.
* When the entire message is completed, pose with surfers next to the drawing.



^)^ ^(^


click on thumbnails to view fullsize images






Lake Ontario, Canada


Wednesday, February 06 2002, 02:00 pm Local Time
on camera map > Lake Ontario> Toronto

assignment for misha:

* take a good friend on a trip.
* from the busy freeway look for the lighthouse on Lake Ontario
that you've never been to before.
* when you find it, write your message onto the pier.
* count the boats and enjoy the breeze until it is too cold/ count 100 seagulls before you return to the city.




click on thumbnails to view fullsize images






Toronto Island
Ontario, Canada



Sunday, February 10 2002, 01:00 pm Local Time

assignment for misha:

* Take the ferry out to Ward's Island.
* During the first half of the journey, contemplate the city skyline.
* For the last half of the journey, turn towards the approaching island.
* At the shore, imagine being trapped inside a fish bowl, trying to get out!





click on thumbnails to view fullsize images







Morro Bay
California, USA


Tuesday, February 12 2002, 10:00 am Local Time


assignment for ij:

* Make your message as big as possible and as light as a feather.
* On a windy day, get a ride in the Silverado to Morro Bay Rock.
* From the parking lot take 100 steps along the beach into the dunes.
* Let the wind take over your message.






click on thumbnails to view fullsize images







California, USA


Sunday, February 24 2002, 01:00 pm Local Time


instruction for viewers:

* take a breath of fresh air (open a window, even if it's cold)
* sit in a comfortable but alert position in front of your computer
* go to
* find ij's message on the beach

[ you are in control of the camera: choose a zoom level in the pop-up, navigate through the panoramic image or by clicking in the live picture. save and send images that you like to or ]




click on thumbnails to view fullsize images






Toronto City Center
Ontario, Canada


Thursday, March 07 2002, 07:00 am Local Time
on (camera has changed 11/23/03)

assignment for misha :

* Wait for new snow to fall over night.
* At daybreak drive your bike (carefully) over to Nathan Phillips Square. Take a snow shovel along.
* Dig swiftly. Avoid being ushered away.
* Take the elevator up to the roof of the Sheraton Hotel. Observe your message getting altered by the footsteps of business people, government officials and tourists crossing the square.




click on thumbnails to view fullsize images






Toronto Yonge Street
Ontario, Canada


Friday, May 17 2002, 03:30 pm Local Time


assignment for misha :

* This will be the last message.
* Just before the rush hour walk down Yonge Street to the Lakeshore.
* Stand on the corner of the busy road. Follow the rhythm of the traffic lights as they turn green, then red, then green...
* On your way home say goodbye to the joggers, the pedestrians, the panhandlers carrying signs, the ticket scalpers by the SkyDome, the makeshift houses, the cars, the firestation, and the underpass.



click on thumbnails to view fullsize images




? - what?
@COLL - at college
@HM - at home
@SCHL - at school
@WRK - at work
^)^ ^(^ - Two people talking
~~~c___ Beach
:-|:-| Deja' vu
1DAFUL - wonderful
2 - to, too, two
24/7 - twenty four hours a day, seven days a week
2B - to be
2BCTND - to be continued
2D4 - to die for
2DAY - today
2L8 - too late
2MORO - tomorrow
2NITE - tonight
4 - for
4E - forever
7K - sick
8 - ate
A/S/L? - Age/Sex/Location
ACTIV8 - activate
ADD - address
ADN - Any Day Now
AFAIAA - As Far As I Am Aware
AFAIAC - As Far As I Am Concerned
AFAICT - As Far As I Can Tell
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFAIR - As Far As I Remember
AFAIUI - As Far As I Understand It
AFK - Away From Keyboard
AI - Artificial Intelligence
AISB - As I Said Before/ As It Should Be
AISI - As I See It
AIUI - As I Understand It
AIW - As It Were
AKA - Also Known As
ALIWANISU - all i want is you
AMAP - As Much As Possible
AML - all my love
ANYTNG - anything
AOB - Any Other Business
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ATB - All The Best
ATK - At The Keyboard
ATM - At The Moment
A3 - Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace
ATTN - Attention
ATW - at the weekend
AU - Australia
AVDB - Alles van die beste
AVG - Average
AX - across
AYOR - at your own risk
AYT? - Are You There?
B - be/bee
B/C - Because
B2 - back to
B2B - business to business
B4 - Before
B4N - Bye For Now
BAC - By Any Chance
BAK - Back at Keyboard
BBB - Busy Beyond Belief
BBIAB - Be Back In A Bit
BBIAF - Be Back In A Flash
BBIAM - Be Back In A Minute
BBIAS - Be Back In A Second
BBL - Be Back Later
BBS - be back soon
BCNU - Be Seeing You
BCUM - become
BD - Big Deal
BF - BoyFriend
BG - Big Grin
BIL - Boss Is Listening
BION - Believe It Or Not
BN - been
BN - being
BFN/B4N - Bye For Now
BOL - Best Of Luck
BRB - Be Right Back
BRT - Be Right There
BTA - But Then Again
BTDT - Been There Done That
BTM - Beats Me
BTR - better
BTW - By The Way
BWD - backward
BYKT - But You Knew That
C - see
CZIN - season
C%D - could
C%L - cool
C&G; - Chuckle and Grin
CEO - chief executive
CUL8er - See You Later
C/O - Care Of
C&P; - Copy And Paste
Ct&P; - Cut And Paste
CB - Call Back
CC - Carbon Copy
CCWC - Can't Cook Won't Cook
CFD - Calls For Discussion
CHLN - Chilling
CID - Crying In Disgrace/Consider it done
CIO - Cut It Out
Cir. - Circle
CLD9? - cloud 9?
COD - Cash On Delivery
CM - call me
CMB - call me back
CN - can
CNP - Continue Next Post
COS - Because
CR8 - create
CSG - chuckle snicker grin
CART - Can't Remember A Thing
CSh - Coffe Shop
CU - See You
cu @ 8 - see you at 8
CUB L8R - Call You Back Later
CYR BOS - Call Your Boss
CU2MORO - see you tomorrow
CU2NITE - see you tonight

CUPL - couple
CUS - see you soon
CUZ - because
CYA - See Ya
CV - Curriculum Vitae
CYO - See You Online
CYR H - Call Your Husband
CYR BRO - Call Your Brother
CYR PA - Call Your Father
CYR OFIS - Call Your Office
CYR MA - Call Your Mother
CYR SIS - Call Your Sister
CYR WF - Call Your Wife
D - the
D8 - date
D8ing - dating
DB8 - debate
DD - dead
DICT8 - dictate
DINR - dinner
DK - don't know
DL - download
DM& - demand
DOIN - doing
DOM - dirty old man
D/L - Download
DAMHIK - Don't Ask Me How I Know
DBzA - Doing Business As
DIKU? - Do I know You
DIM - Do It Myself
DIY - Do It Yourself
DK - Don't Know
DNA - Did Not Answer
DNO - Do Not Open
DOA - Date Of Arrival
DOB - Date Of Birth
DON - Doing
DQMOT - Don't Quote Me On This
DTP - Desk Top Publishing
DTTAH - Don't Try This At Home
DUCWIC - Do You See What I See
DUR - do you remember
DV8 - deviate
DWB - don't write back
DXNRE - dictionary
EG - Evil Grin
EMFBI - Excuse Me For Butting In
EMSG - email message
EOL - end of lecture
EOM - End Of Message
EOT - End of Thread
E&OE; - Errors and Omissions Excepted
ED - Emotionally Disturbed
EMSG - Email Message
EOB - End of Business
EOD - End of Discussion
EOF - End Of File
EOL - End Of Lecture
EOM - End Of Message
ESP - Especially
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
EZI - easy
EZY - easy
F? - Friends?
F2F - Face To Face
F2T - free to talk
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question(s)
FC - Fingers Crossed
FIFO - First In First Out
FIL - Father In Law
FILO - First In Last Out
FIOFY - Figure It Out For Yourself
FISH - First In Still Here
FITB - Fill In The Blank
FOCL - Fell Off Chair Laughing
FONE - phone
FOS - Freedom Of Speech
FST - fast
FTAC - fantasy
FTBOMH - From The Bottom Of My Heart
FTBL - football
FTL - Faster Than Light
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
FUNE - funny
FWD - forward
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYA - For Your Amusement
FYI - For Your Information
G2CU - glad/good to see you
G2G - Got To Go
G2SY - glad/good to see you
GA - Go Ahead
GAFIA - Get Away From It All
GAL - Get A Life
GBH&K; - Great Big Hugs & Kisses
GBH&KB; - Great Big Hugs & Kisses Back
GD&R; - grinning, ducking, and running
GF - GirlFriend
GFN - Gone For Now
GG - Gotta Go/Good Game
GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out
GJ - Good Job
GL - Good Luck
GM - good move
GMAB - give me a break
GMESUMLUVIN - give me some loving
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time
GNR8 - generate
GNR8N - generation
GNRLE - generally
GOOML - Get Out Of My Life
GONNA - going to
GOWI - Get On With It
GPF - General Protection Fault
GR8 - Great
G9 - Genius
GRQ - Get Rich Quick
GSH - Good Sense of Humour
GSOH - good salary, own home/good sense of humour
GT - good try
GTG - got to go
GUDLUK - Good Luck
H2 - How To
H2CUS - hope to see you soon
H8 - hate
HAGN - Have a Good Night
HAGO - Have A Good One
HAK - hugs and kisses
HAMRD - hammered
HAND - Have A Nice Day
HB - Hug Back
HH - Holding Hands
HICA - Here It Comes Again
HIG - How's it going
HLDMECLS - hold me close
HOAS - Hold On A Second
HOHIL - head over heels in love
HOPR - Hang On Phone's Ringing
HOTLUV - hot love
HOUER - Hanging On Your Every Word
HOWRU? - how are you?
HT4U - hot for you
HP - Home Page
HSP - Highly Sensitive Person
HTH - Hope This Helps
HUMR - humour
HV - have
HW - HardWare
HWY - Highway
I - eye
IAAA - I Am An Accountant
IAAD - I Am A Doctor
IAAL - I Am A Lawyer
IAY - I Adore You
IAYT - I Adore You Too
IB - I'm Back
IBC - Inadequate But Cute
IC - I See
ICAM - I Couldn't Agree More
ICP - Internet Content Provider
ICQ - I Seek Youv
ICUR - I See You Are
ID - Identification
IDGI - I Don't Get It
IDK - I Don't Know
IDTS - I Don't Think So
IDTT - I'll Drink To That
IH8U - I hate you
IE - In Effect
IHTBS - It Has To Be Shown
IIRC - If I Recall/Remember Correctly
IJLS - I Just Like Saying
IKWUM - I Know What You Mean
ILU - I Love You
ILU2 - I Love You Too
IM - i am
IM - immediate message
IMBLUV - it must be love
ILUVUMED - i love you more each day
ILY4E - I Love You Forever
IMBO - In My Biased Opinion
IME - In My Experience
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMI - i mean it
IMMOR - I Make My Own Rules
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IMPOV - In My Point Of View
IMPRS - impress
IOHIS4U - I only have eyes for you
IMS - I Must Say
IMTNG - In Meeting
INGSI - I'm Not Going To Say It
INT - I'll Never Tell
IO - Input/Output
IOU - I Owe You
IOW - In Other Words
IRC - Internet Relay Chat
IRL - In Real Life
IRT - In Real Time
ISC - I Stand Corrected
ISO - In Search Of
ISTM - It Seems To Me
ISTR - I Seem To Remember
ITIGBS - i think i'm gonna be sick
ITAK - It Takes All Kinds
ITFA - In The Final Analysis
ITUFIR - i think you'll find i'm right
ITYM - I Think You Mean
IUSS - if you say so
IUTKATS - I Used To Know All That Stuff
IWALU - I will Always Love You
IWBNI - I Would Be Nice If
IWIK - I Wish I Knew
IYDKIDKWD - if you don't know, i don't know who does.
IYD - In Your Dreams
IYF - In Your Face
IYKWIM - If You Know What I Mean
IYQ - I LIke You
IYSS - if you say so
IYSWIM - If You See What I Mean
J/K - Just Kidding
JAM - Just A Moment/Minute
JAS - Just A Second
J4F - Just for Fun
JFYI - Just For Your Information
JH8 - Johannesburg
JIC - Just In Case
JIT - Just In Time
Jr - Junior
JSTCLLME - Just Call Me
JTLYK - Just To Let You Know
JTUSK - Just Thought You Should Know
JTYWTK - Just Thought You Wanted To Know
KC - Keep Cool
KHUF - Know how you feel
KIA - Know It All
KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
KIT - keep in touch
KOC - kiss on cheek
KOL - Kiss of lips
KOTL - kiss on the lips
KOTC - kiss on the cheek
KWIM - Know What I Mean
KYHU - Keep Your Head Up
L - laugh
L8 - late
L8R - Later
L&N; - Landing
LALL - Live And Let Live
LAN - Local Area Network
LCH - Lunch
LDN - London
LDR - Long Distance Relationship
LKIT - like it
LLTA - Lots and Lots of Thunderous Applause
LMA - Leave Me Alone
LMC - Lost My Connection
LMK - Let Me Know
LO - hello
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LSP - Least Sensitive Person
LTM - Laughing To Myself
LTNS - Long Time No See
LTR - Long Term Relationship
LTSGT2GTHR - let's get together
LUV - love
LUVU - love you
LY - Love Ya
LYLAB - Love You Like a Brother
LYLAS - Love You Like A Sister
LYN - Lying
M8 - Mate
MAY - Mad About You
MB - Message Board
MBRSD - embarrassed
MFG - More Friendly Garbage
MFI - mad for it
MHM - Members Helping Members
MING - Mailing
ML - More Later
MM - Multi Media
MMX - MultiMedia eXtensions
MNC - Mother Nature Calls
MOB - mobile
MorF - Male OR Female
MOTOS - Member of the Opposite Sex
MOTAS - Member Of The Appropriate Sex
MOTD - Message Of The Day
MOTSS - Member Of The Same Sex
MSG - message
MSIE - Microsoft Internet Explorer
MT - My Time
MTE - my thoughts exactly
MTF - more to follow
MYOB - Mind Your Own buniess
N - and
N - no
N1 - nice one!
NA - no access
N/M - Never Mind
NADM - Never A Dull Moment
NAGI - Not A Good Idea
NA - Not Affiliated
N/A - Not Applicable
NBD - No Big Deal
NBTD - Nothing Better To Do
NC - no comment
NCASE - in case
NDM - No Disrespect meant
NE - any
NE1 - Anyone
NED - need
NITING - Anything
NLT - No later Than
NM - Never Mind/No Message
NMI - No Middle Initial
NMP - Not My Problem
NMS - Not My Style
NN - Night Night
NO1 - no one
NOOTO - Nothing Out Of The Ordinary
NOYB - None Of Your Business
NP - No Problem
NPF - No Problem Found/No Picture Found
NQA - No Questions Asked
NQOS - Not Quite Our Sort
NRN - No Reply Necessary
NS - Netscape
NT - No Text
NTG - Not Too Good
NUFN - nothing
NYI - Not Yet Implemented
NVM - never mind
NWO - no way out
O - Over
O4U - only for you
OATUS - On A Totally Unrelated Subject
OB - Obligatory
OBTW - Oh By The Way
OD - OverDose
OIC - Oh I See
OMG - Oh My God
OL - old lady
OM - old man
ON4IT - on for it
ONNA - Oh No Not Again
OO - Over and Out
OOC - Out Of Character
OOI - Out Of Interest
OOSOOM - Out of Sight Out Of Mind
OS - Operating System
OT - Off Topic
OT1H - On The One Hand
OTC - Over The Counter
OTD - Out The Door
OTF - On The Floor
OTL - Out To Lunch
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OTT - Over The Top
OTTOMH - Off The Top Of My Head
OTW - On The Whole
OVA - over
OW -Oh Well
PC - Personal Computer
PCB - Please Call Back
PCM - please call me
PD - Public Domain
PDA - Public Display of Affection
PDS - Please Don't Shout
PEST - Please Excuse Slow Typing
PLMK - Please Let Me Know
PL& - planned
PLONK - Person with Little Or No Knowledge
PLS - Please
PM - Pardon Me
PM - private message
PO$BL - Possible
POAHF - Put On A Happy Face
POP - Point Of Presence
POV - Point Of View
PPL - People
PRT - Party
PRW - Parents Are Watching
PTMM - Please Tell Me More
PTMY - Pleased To Meet You
PTO - Please Turn Over
PUKS - Pick Up Kids
Q - Queue
QED - Quite Easily Done
QPSA? - Que Pasa?
QT - Cutie
R - are
RAD - radical
RE - REgarding
RFC - Request For Comment
RFD - Request For Discussion
RGDS - regards
RL - Real Life
RNA - Ring No Answer
ROTBA - Reality On The Blink Again.
RUOK? are you OK?
RSN - Real Soon Now
RT - Real Time
RTM - Read The Manual
RUMF - Are you Male or Female
RU OK - Are you OK?
RUUP4IT? - are you up for it?
SAL - such a laugh
SAT - Sorry About That
SC - stay cool
SCNR - Sorry, Could Not Resist
SEC - second
SEP - Somebody Else's Problem
SETE - Smiling Ear To Ear
SFAIAA - So Far As I Am Aware
SHTSI - Somebody Had To Say It
SIG - Special Interest Group
SIT - Stay In Touch
SITD - Still In The Dark
SK8 - skate
sme1 - someone
SMO - Serious Mod On
SMOFF - Serious Mode OFF
SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SO - Significant Other
SOT - Short Of Time
SOVS - Some One Very Special
SNERT - snot-nosed egotistical rude teenager
SO - significant other
SOHF - sense of humour failure
SOL - sooner or later
SOTMG - short of time must go
SPK - speak
SRY - Sorry
STATS - Your sex and age
STS - So To Speak
ST2MORO - same time tomorrow
STW - search the web
SUM1 - someone
SUP - What's Up
SW - Software
SWAK - Sealed With A Kiss
SWDYT? - so what do you think?
SWL - Screaming With Laughter
SWYP - So What's Your Problem
T+ - Think Positive
TAFN - That's All For Now
TANJ - There Ain't No Justice
TBC - To Be Continued
TBE - To Be Expected
TBYB - Try Before You Buy
TC - Take Care
TFTT - Thanks For The Thought
THX - Thank You
THN - then
TIME - Tears In My Eyes
TINALO - This Is Not A Legal Opinion
TINAR - This Is Not A Recommendation
TLC - Tender Loving Care
TMB - text me back
TMI - Too Much Information
TMIKTLIU - The More I Know The Less I Understand.
TMOT - trust me on this
TNX - Thanks
TNT - till next time
TOTBAL - There Ought To Be A Law
TPAE - The Possibilities Are Endless
TPTB - The Powers That Be
TTBE - That's To Be Expected
TTBOMK - To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTTT - These Things Take Time
TTTT - To tell the truth
TTUL - Talk/Type to You Later
TTYRS - Talk To You Real Soon
TVB - Top Versus Bottom
TYT - Take Your Time
TYVM - Thank You Very Much
U - You
U2 - You Too
U4E - Yours For Ever
U/L - UpLoad
UGTBK - You've Got To Be Kidding
UOK - You OK?
UP4IT - up for it
UR - you are
URLCM - You Are Welcome
USU - Usually
UTT - Under The Table
UWOT - you what!
VGC - very good condition
VBG - Very Big Grin
VH - Virtual Hug
VR - Virtual Reality
VRI - very
VT - Virtual Time
W/ - With
W4U - waiting for you
W8 - wait
W84ME - wait for me
W8N - waiting
WAN2 - want to
WAN2TLK? - want to talk?
WAYD - what are you doing
WB - Welcome Back
WBS - write back soon
WCKD - wicked
WEN - when
WENJA? - when do you?
WERJA? - where do you
WERRU? - where are you?
WERUBN? - where have you been?
WK - week
WL - will
WLUBMN? - will you be mine?
WLUMRYME? - will you marry me?
WN - when
WOT - what
WRT - with respect to
WRU - Where are You?
WTG - way to go
WTM? - what time?
WU? - what's up?
WUF? - where are you from ?
WUWH - wish you were here
WTG - Way To Go!
WUF - Where Are You From?
W/O - With Out
X - kiss
X! - typical woman
Xlnt - excellent
XMEQK - kiss me quick
Y - why
Y - Yes
Y! - typical man
YA - you
YBS - you'll be sorry
YIU - yes i understand
YKWYCD - you know what you can do
YL - young lady
YM - young man
YR - your
Z - said
ZZZZ - sleeping

